Introducing Saturo HR Module for NetSuite: Streamline and Simplify Your HR Operations

Unlock the full potential of your HR operations with the Saturo HR Module for NetSuite. Our comprehensive solution empowers organizations to streamline and simplify their HR processes, saving time, reducing errors, and enhancing overall efficiency. From employee self-service portals and leave management to payroll processing and performance appraisal, our module offers a range of features designed to meet the unique needs of modern businesses.

With Saturo HR Module, you can experience enhanced data security, improved attendance tracking, and effective management of employee information. Our advanced functionalities, such as automatic email notifications, leave tracking, and streamlined communication, ensure seamless collaboration between HR and employees. Accessible anytime, anywhere, our module allows you to effortlessly handle leave requests, generate accurate reports, and automate essential HR tasks, enabling you to focus on strategic initiatives and drive organizational growth.

Streamline your HR processes, engage your employees, and elevate your HR operations with the Saturo HR Module for NetSuite. Discover how our comprehensive solution can transform the way you manage your workforce and unleash the full potential of your HR department.


  • Employee Self Service Portal: Empower your employees with a self-service portal to access relevant HR information, update personal details, and manage leave requests efficiently.

  • Leave Application: Simplify the leave management process with an intuitive leave application system, enabling employees to request and track their leaves conveniently.

  • Work From Home Application: Seamlessly manage remote work arrangements with a dedicated work from home application that allows employees to submit their requests and track their work-from-home days.

  • View Payslip: Enable employees to access and download their payslips effortlessly, providing transparency and easy access to their salary information.

  • Employee Grievance: Establish a platform for employees to voice their concerns and grievances, ensuring prompt resolution and maintaining a positive work environment.

  • Leave Balance: Keep track of employees' available leave balance in real-time, facilitating accurate leave planning and minimizing scheduling conflicts.

  • YTD Report: Generate comprehensive year-to-date reports that offer insights into employees' attendance, leave, and other relevant metrics, simplifying performance evaluations and payroll calculations.

  • Gratuity Form: Streamline the process of gratuity calculation and application, ensuring compliance with applicable regulations and providing a hassle-free experience for employees.

  • ID Card Generation: Automate the generation of employee ID cards, saving time and effort while maintaining a professional identity for your workforce.

  • Loan Application: Simplify the loan application process for employees, enabling them to request and track loan applications efficiently.

  • Register Asset Issue: Efficiently manage and track the issuance of assets to employees, ensuring accurate asset inventory management and accountability.

  • Full and Final Settlement: Automate the process of full and final settlement for outgoing employees, minimizing errors and streamlining the exit procedure.

  • Outstation Duty: Facilitate the management of employees' outstation duties, including travel expenses, allowances, and reimbursements, ensuring compliance and cost control.

  • Employee Performance: Monitor and evaluate employee performance effectively, enabling performance reviews, goal setting, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

  • Employee Appraisal: Streamline the appraisal process, providing a structured framework for assessing and recognizing employees' performance and contributions.

  • Daily Announcement: Keep your employees informed and engaged with a feature that allows you to share important announcements, updates, and notifications effortlessly.

  • Bonus: Efficiently manage bonus calculations and distributions, ensuring accurate and timely disbursement based on predefined criteria.

  • Employee Separation: Automate the employee separation process, including exit interviews, clearance procedures, and documentation, streamlining the offboarding process.

  • Shift Master: Create and manage employee shifts effortlessly, optimizing workforce scheduling and ensuring smooth operations.

  • ER-II Report: Generate customizable ER-II reports to comply with statutory requirements, simplifying HR compliance and reporting obligations.

  • Employee Attendance: Track and manage employee attendance efficiently, integrating with biometric systems or other attendance tracking mechanisms.

  • Employee Award: Recognize and reward outstanding employee performance with an employee award system, boosting motivation and engagement.

  • Employee Profile: Maintain comprehensive employee profiles with essential information, allowing easy access to employee details and facilitating effective HR management.

  • Salary Revision: Manage salary revisions and adjustments seamlessly, ensuring accurate payroll processing and maintaining employee satisfaction.

  • Professional Tax: Streamline professional tax calculations and compliance, reducing manual effort and ensuring accurate tax deductions.

  • HRA (House Rent Allowance): Automate HRA calculations based on predefined criteria, simplifying payroll processing and ensuring compliance with applicable regulations.

  • Employee Provident Fund: Manage employee provident fund contributions and withdrawals, ensuring compliance and hassle-free fund management.

  • Total Earnings and Deductions: Get a holistic view of employees' total earnings and deductions, facilitating accurate payroll calculations and transparent salary breakdowns.

  • Extra Hours Pay: Automate the calculation of extra hours

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